Well, up almost two weeks late but better late than never right?

Is it wrong to be completely entranced by something on your own skin?
This was taken when the work was freshly done - it looks a ton better now that it's pretty much healed, my next session isn't for another month I'm giving my poor back a chance to heal itself as it appears my body is utterly shot. I'm not managing more than an hour or so at a time at the moment. Aside from hating tp wase Kamil's time I do kind of want to get this finished in the next millenium!
First off - amazingly cool concept and it looks utterly amazing, but honestly my back in sore just looking at it.
You're a braver one than I.
Also, I see I used "amazing" twice. So...yeah for redundancy.
new tat pics are up on my blog! :) thought you'd like to know.
Alex, I wandered over here from Pajiba and I have to say - I love the tattoo! It is looking fantastic, he's doing a wonderful job. :)
Can I ask how far down the tattoo goes? It looks like it might extend past your bottom but it's hard to tell from the pictures. Will it be on the back of your legs as well?
The tattoo will extend down on to the backs of my legs... provided I can take the pain of course! We haven't fully sorted out the background design yet but I think Kamil's angling for maximum coverage, which is fine by me!
Very cool! I look forward to seeing the final product. Good luck with the pain, any time I've gotten a tattoo I've always popped one or two tylenol 3 before, it seems to help a little with pain management.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Broker, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://home-broker-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
alex! we need an update! lets see it a yr + later
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